Thursday, May 29, 2008


today was a good day. got keywords working great.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

amendments to analytics

Today I worked on amendments to the analytics scripts. I got Keywords on analytics to be bolded if they have not been purchased yet and a dash box next to it. get Keywords on analytics to be not bolded if they have been purchased and a check mark box next to them. I did this by giving the purchased keyword a class name and having CSS bold the keyword and a checkbox if it had that class name. have the keyword sorted by name and purchased. I sorted using using and it worked great. making these keywords links to the search engine they came from with the keyword as the searched item. I am doing this using xsl also. I will let you know how it goes.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

cached site and css

This morning I fixed some css problems on analytics. I learned about classes in css. With the use of CSS Classes you can have more than one style per HTML element. Then this afternoon I learned about caching a analytics page for 7 days using php script, since the original page took up to 30 second to load. first I created a folder where the cached files will reside. then used these functions to see if there is a cached version of the site within the last 7 days. $File is the location of the folder and the file name. This works great....

$Cached = "folder/Site.xml";
if($Xml = $this->GetCachedXml($Cached))
$this->XML = $Xml;
//load new XML

private function GetCachedXml($File)
return false;
elseif(filemtime($File) < dom =" new">load($File);
return $Dom;

private function SaveCachedXml($File, $Xml)

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Thursday, May 22, 2008


worked on debugging analytics for sites that are being optimized for search engines.