Thursday, July 17, 2008

working with php xml xsl jquery sql

I have been working with php xml xsl jquery and sql a lot recently for the admin backed at work and they all work great together and I recommend it. I like to part of attaching things to xml then calling those things from xsl. By doing this you separate your php from your html or xsl. Much cleaner this way. I am getting much better at understanding how all this works together.

check out one of the sites we do seo for:

Thursday, July 10, 2008

DeveloperPhil: SQL

DeveloperPhil: SQL


Today I worked on sql statements for our keyword rental program for the saving of keywords. I have had to do this while people are working in the site live. The way I would like to be doing this is through a cvs system but we do not have that completely in place yet. I am learning a lot about sql statements. I am learning about LEFT JOIN and INNER JOINS where you can join multiple tables to get the information you want the way you want it.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

4th of july

Happy 4th of july all.

Been working so much haven't had a chance to blog.

Heading to the hills of southern Utah this weekend.

should be much cooler there.

Signing off for the weekend.
